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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wp-events-plugin.com//6.6.3//EN TZID:America/New_York X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York BEGIN:VEVENT UID:145@mestcenter.org DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200603T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200603T130000 DTSTAMP:20240911T214036Z URL:https://mestcenter.org/training/webinar-system-level-design-of-secured -system-on-chips/ SUMMARY:Webinar: System-Level Design of Secured System-on-Chips DESCRIPTION:To watch the recorded webinar\, click on the recording.\nPlay V ideo \nSpeaker: \nDr. Christophe Bobda\, Professor at the University of Florida with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering\nAbstra ct:\nThis webinar addresses system-level-design of secured system-on-chips through a tighter integration of user-specified security requirements and objectives in the hardware/software design process.  The course will dis cuss generic models and tools to capture security rules and protocols that automatically generate the hardware/software security infrastructure.\nSp eaker Bio:\nProfessor Bobda received the Licence in mathematics from the U niversity of Yaounde\, Cameroon\, in 1992\, the diploma of computer scienc e and the Ph.D. degree (with honors) in computer science from the Universi ty of Paderborn in Germany in 1999 and 2003 (In the chair of Prof. Franz J . Rammig) respectively. In June 2003 he joined the department of computer science at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany as Post doc\, u nder the direction of Prof Jürgen Teich. Dr. Bobda received the best di ssertation award 2003 from the University of Paderborn for his work on syn thesis of reconfigurable systems using temporal partitioning and temporal placement. In 2005 Dr. Bobda was appointed assistant professor at the Univ ersity of Kaiserslautern. There he set the chair for Self-Organizing Embed ded Systems that he led until October 2007. From 2007 to 2010 Dr. Bobda wa s Professor at the University of Potsdam and leader of The working Group C omputer Engineering.\n\nProfesor Bobda is Senior Member of the ACM. He is also in the program committee of several conferences (FPL\, FPT\, RAW\, RS P\, ERSA\, RECOSOC\, DRS)\, the DATE executive committee as proceedings ch air (2004\, 2005\, 2006\, 2007\, 2008\, 2009\, 2010). He served as reviewe r of several journals (IEEE TC\, IEEE TVLSI\, Elsevier Journal of Micropro cessor and Microsystems\, Integration the VLSI Journal) and conferences (D AC\, DATE\, FPL\, FPT\, SBCCI\, RAW\, RSP\, ERSA)\, as guest editor of the Elsevier Journal of Microprocessor and Microsystems and member of the edi torial board of the Hindawi International Journal of Reconfigurable Comput ing. Dr. Bobda is the author of one of the first most comprehensive books in the rapidly growing field of Reconfigurable Computing. \n \nZoom Inform ation:\nJoin Zoom Meeting\nhttps://ufl.zoom.us/j/904047693\n\nMeeting ID: 904 047 693\n\nOne tap mobile\n+16465588656\,\,904047693# US (New York)\n+ 16699006833\,\,904047693# US (San Jose)\n\nDial by your location\n+1 646 5 58 8656 US (New York)\n+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)\nMeeting ID: 904 047 693\nFind your local number: https://ufl.zoom.us/u/ab5VOI6m6G\n\nJoin by S IP\n904047693@zoomcrc.com\n\nJoin by H.323\n162.255.37.11 (US West)\n162.2 55.36.11 (US East)\n221.122.88.195 (China)\n115.114.131.7 (India Mumbai)\n (India Hyderabad)\n213.19.144.110 (EMEA)\n103.122.166.55 (Au stralia)\n209.9.211.110 (Hong Kong)\n64.211.144.160 (Brazil)\n69.174.57.16 0 (Canada)\n207.226.132.110 (Japan)\nMeeting ID: 904 047 693\n\nJoin by Sk ype for Business\nhttps://ufl.zoom.us/skype/904047693 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://mestcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/0 8/CB.jpg CATEGORIES:Home Page,Webinars END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20200308T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR