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SUMMARY:SCALES Webinar: Don’t Forget the Package: Establishing Domestic H
eterogeneous Integration Capability
DESCRIPTION:Speaker: \nDr. Charles Woychik and Dr. Alan Huffman of SkyWate
r Technology\nAbstract:\nAs HI architectures are viewed as crucial enabler
s for next generation microsystems to maintain performance improvements th
at are difficult and costly to achieve through foundry node advancement\,
establishing these technologies onshore will be a priority. This presentat
ion will discuss details around this unique opportunity to establish a com
prehensive domestic integration and packaging manufacturing capability and
SkyWater’s efforts to establish an open foundry model to support interp
oser fabrication\, FOWLP\, and hybrid bonding technologies.\nSpeaker Bio:\
n\n\nDr. Alan Huffman (Left) and Dr. Charles Woychik (Right)\n\nAlan Huffm
an is Senior Director for the heterogeneous integration business unit at
SkyWater Technologies where he is responsible for strategic business devel
opment\, technology platform direction\, and market alignment. Over the co
urse of 27+ years in the advanced packaging industry he has held previous
positions as Director of Engineering for Micross Advanced Interconnect Tec
hnology\, Sr. Research Engineer and Program Manager at RTI International\,
and Member of Technical Staff at MCNC Research &\; Development Institu
te. He received the B.S degree in physics from The University of North Car
olina at Chapel Hill in 1994. His technical focus has been heterogeneous i
ntegration and advanced interconnect technologies throughout his career an
d has authored or co-authored numerous papers and presentations in these a
reas.\n\nCharles G. Woychik is the Director of Advanced Packaging Platfor
ms at SkyWater Technology in Kissimmee\, FL. Previously he was the Chief S
cientist at i3 Microsystems in St. Petersburg\, FL. He was the Senior Dire
ctor of 3D Technology at Invensas Corporation and was a Senior Scientist a
t GE’s Global Research Center. He began his career at IBM Endicott\, NY
where he held both engineering and managerial positions. His area of exper
tise is materials and processes for electronics packaging. He holds a Doct
orate and Master of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering fr
om Carnegie-Mellon University. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Meta
llurgical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Chuck has
presented at numerous conferences and has many publications. He has 123 is
sued US issued patents to his credit.\n\n \; \n \nZoom Information:\nH
arrem FH Monkhorst is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.\n\nTopic:
SCALES Webinar\nTime: Mar 2\, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)\n
\nJoin Zoom Meeting\nhttps://ufl.zoom.us/j/92876399997?pwd=WVBnZTJVM3k4MDF
TRU1WeGJrdkM4dz09\n\nMeeting ID: 928 7639 9997\nPasscode: 244967\nOne tap
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\nMeeting ID: 928 7639 9997\nPasscode: 244967\n\nJoin by Skype for Busines
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