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SUMMARY:Fundamentals of Digital IC Design
DESCRIPTION:Abstract:\nFull Understanding of the Digital IC Design Flow and
the Entire Transformation\nProcess of Taking the Design from RTL to final
bitstream on FPGA and GDSII on\nASIC. The course includes hands on traini
ng on FPGA\, and final project Tapeout\nand fabrication on SKY130.\nCourse
Description:\nDigital design flow is a lengthy process that involves many
steps to take the design from RTL to\na working silicon. The objective of
this course is to demystify this field and provide in-depth\nunderstandin
g of the different transformations in each design step\, how these transfo
rmations\ncan affect the final performance metrics\, and how to tune the p
rocess to meet design specs.\n\nSpecifically\, this course focuses on fund
amental elements in the design process\, including HDL\nmodeling\, event-d
riven simulation\, synthesis\, timing analysis\, technology files\, standa
rd cell\nviews\, physical design\, signoff checks\, and test planning. Thr
oughout the course\, attendees learn\nthe salient differences in these ele
ments when using FPGA and ASIC platforms. Both Xilinx (for\nFPGA) and Cade
nce (for ASIC) design flows are utilized as part of the training vehicle.
VIVADO\nfrom Xilinx to cover the entire FPGA flow. On the Cadence side\, A
SIC simulations is\ndemonstrated using Incisive\, while Genus is used for
synthesis\, and Innovus for physical\nimplementation. Finally\, Mentor Gra
phics’ Calibre is used for ASIC signoff checks. The course\ncontains a d
emonstration project\, which is progressively developed by the trainees th
roughout the\ncourse modules to exercise the two digital design flows. The
goal of this course is to provide\nattendees with understandings of FPGA
and ASIC digital flows and to support this understanding\nwith hands-on ex
perience of tools used by the industry.\nIntended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
:\nUpon the completion of this course\, trainees should be able to:\n H
olistically understand digital design flow (from the specification phase t
o the signoff\nchecks).\n Learn all transformations occur during the de
sign flow and analyze their effect on\nperformance metrics.\n Gain know
ledge on different technology files and standard cell views.\n Identify
different design flows based on the target implementation technology (ASI
C vs.\nFPGA).\n Understand timing-analysis and timing-closure in differ
ent design phases.\n Understand chip level planning (Power Distribution
Network\, IO\, Global Signals\, etc).\n Design simple digital blocks s
tarting from RTL and taking them to Bitstream or GDSII.\nTarget Audience:\
nEntry-level design engineers who want to grasp the full digital design cy
cle\, senior undergraduate\nand post-graduate students (who are preparing
to get involved in digital IC design\, research and\ndevelopment\, hardwar
e test)\, product and verification engineers as well as system and compute
r\narchitecture engineers.\nCourse Details:\n- 32 hours – 8 weeks – 2-
hr lectures twice a week\nCourse topics:\n- Module-I: Fundamentals (40%):\
no Digital vs Analog.\no Architecture of digital circuits (Delays\, data p
ath\, control path\, synchronization\,\ndata encoding).\no Digital System
Design (Microprocessors\, FPGA\, ASIC).\no Fundamentals of digital design
(HDL modeling\, synthesis \, timing analysis and\ntiming closure\, physica
l design\, chip planning\, signoff checks)\n\nHands-on Lab:\no Analyzing a
nd comparing analog vs digital signals over oscilloscopes to\nunderstand t
he analog side of digital signals (video demonstration).\no Building very
simple processor to understand the fundamentals of digital design\nand the
fundamentals of HDL.\n- Module-II: FPGA based design (25%):\no What is an
FPGA?\no FPGA fabric architectures.\no HDL modeling and Synthesis for FPG
A.\no FPGA types and applications (eFPGAs\, Hardware acceleration\, ASIC\n
prototyping\, etc.).\n\nHands-on Lab:\no Synthesize a simple processor for
FPGA and understand the resultant synthesized\nHDL and how FPGA bit strea
m works.\no Detailed comparison between different FPGA fabrics based on ve
ndors and\nfamilies.\n- Module-III: ASIC design (35%):\no Components of pr
ocess design kits (PDKs).\no What are standard cells and standard cell vie
ws?\no Types of digital synthesis.\no Timing analysis (STA\, SSTA).\no Phy
sical design (floorplanning\, power planning\, Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS)\
, and\ntiming closure)\no Chip level planning (I/O\, power planning\, chip
testing)\no Signoff checks (DRC\, LVS\, …)\no GDSII.\no Preparing for c
hip testing\, Dos and Don’ts.\n\nHands-on Lab:\no Model a basic processo
r for ASIC and understand HDL coding style for ASIC vs\nFPGA.\no Examine a
ll the files in the design kit/standard cell views and understand the\ninf
ormation provided in each file type.\no Synthesize the processor and under
stand the different transformations occur with\neach design step.\no Imple
ment the physical design and signoff check steps and generate the GDSII of
\nthe processor.\nCourse Facilities:\nThroughout the course\, trainees wil
l have access to the following computer software:\n- Access to VIVADO from
Xilinx\; Incisive\, Genus\, Innovus\, from Cadence\, Modelsim and\nCalibr
e from Mentor Graphics.\n- Access to SKY130 (PDK) that includes standard c
ells library.\nCourse Perquisites:\n- Basic understanding of Digital Logic
and Computer Architecture is preferable.\nCourse Instructor:\nProf. Eslam
Tawfik is currently a research professor at The Ohio State University. Hi
s research\ntopics focus on Digital SoC Design\, Hardware Security and Tru
st\, Non Von-Neumann\nArchitecture\, Neuromorphic Computing\, Post-Quantum
Cryptography\, Low-Power Resilient ICs\,\nHardware Emulation\, and CAD me
thods. He has solid digital design experience targeting FPGAs\nand ASICs\,
where he worked on different technology nodes to fabricate large number o
f SoCs. He\nalso has solid teaching experience in digital design\, compute
r engineering\, and computer science\ncurriculums.\n\nNOTE: This course wi
ll take place only on Mondays and Thursdays (from 2-4 pm EST) within the
date frame provided. \n \nZoom Information:\n