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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wp-events-plugin.com//6.6.3//EN TZID:America/New_York X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York BEGIN:VEVENT UID:157@mestcenter.org DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210120T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210120T130000 DTSTAMP:20240911T231738Z URL:https://mestcenter.org/training/webinar-integrated-circuit-design-reda ction-through-transistor-level-programming/ SUMMARY:Webinar: Integrated Circuit Design Redaction through Transistor-Lev el Programming DESCRIPTION:To watch the recorded webinar\, click on the recording.\nPlay V ideo\nSpeaker:\nDr. Yiorgos Makris\, Professor of ECE at the University of Texas at Dallas\nAbstract:\nIn this webinar we will discuss the design of the latest version of our TRAP fabric\, the CAD tool-flow necessary for s upporting such hybrid designs ASIC/Programmable ICs\, and the protection t hat TRAP-based design redaction offers against both brute-force and intell igent attacks seeking to recover the redacted IP.\nSpeaker Bio:\nYiorgos i s a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Erik Jonsson S chool of Engineering &\; Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas\, where he leads the Trusted and RELiable Architectures (TRELA) Re search Laboratory\, the Safety\, Security and Health Care Thrust of the Te xas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE)\, and the UT Dallas site of the NS F Industry University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) on Hardware and Embedded System Security and Trust (CHEST). Prior to joining UT Dallas in 2011\, he spent 10.5 years as a faculty of Electrical Engineering and of C omputer Science at Yale University. He holds a Ph.D. (2001) and an M.S. (1 997) in Computer Engineering from the University of California\, San Diego \, and a Diploma of Computer Engineering and Informatics (1995) from the U niversity of Patras\, Greece. His main research interests are in the appli cation of machine learning and statistical analysis in the design of trust ed and reliable integrated circuits and systems\, with particular emphasis in the analog/RF domain. He is also investigating hardware-based malware detection\, forensics and reliability methods in modern microprocessors\, as well as on-die learning and novel computational modalities using emergi ng technologies. His research activities have been supported by NSF\, ARO\ , AFRL\, KCNSC\, SRC\, DARPA\, Boeing\, IBM\, LSI\, Intel\, Advantest\, AM S\, Qualcomm\, and TI.\n\nYiorgos served as the 2016-2017 general chair an d the 2013-2014 program chair of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium\, as well as the 2010-2012 program chair of the Test Technology Educational Program (T TEP). He serves or has served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transacti ons on Information Forensics and Security\, the IEEE Transactions on Compu ter-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems\, the IEEE Design & \; Test periodical and the Springer Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications\, and he has also served as a guest editor for the IEEE T ransactions on Computers and the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Desig n of Integrated Circuits and Systems\, and as a topic coordinator and/or p rogram committee member for several IEEE and ACM conferences. He is a Seni or Member of the IEEE\, a recipient of the 2006 Sheffield Distinguished Te aching Award from Yale University\, a recipient of Best Paper Awards from the 2013 Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE’13) conference and t he 2015 VLSI Test Symposium (VTS’15)\, as well as a recipient of Best Ha rdware Demonstration Awards from the 2016 and 2018 Symposia on Hardware Or iented Security and Trust (HOST’16 and HOST’18). \n \nZoom Information :\nJoin Zoom Meeting\nhttps://ufl.zoom.us/j/904047693\n\nMeeting ID: 904 0 47 693\n\nOne tap mobile\n+16465588656\,\,904047693# US (New York)\n+16699 006833\,\,904047693# US (San Jose)\n\nDial by your location\n+1 646 558 86 56 US (New York)\n+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)\nMeeting ID: 904 047 693\n Find your local number: https://ufl.zoom.us/u/ab5VOI6m6G\n\nJoin by SIP\n9 04047693@zoomcrc.com\n\nJoin by H.323\n162.255.37.11 (US West)\n162.255.36 .11 (US East)\n221.122.88.195 (China)\n115.114.131.7 (India Mumbai)\n115.1 14.115.7 (India Hyderabad)\n213.19.144.110 (EMEA)\n103.122.166.55 (Austral ia)\n209.9.211.110 (Hong Kong)\n64.211.144.160 (Brazil)\n69.174.57.160 (Ca nada)\n207.226.132.110 (Japan)\nMeeting ID: 904 047 693\n\nJoin by Skype f or Business\nhttps://ufl.zoom.us/skype/904047693 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:https://mestcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/0 8/YM.jpg CATEGORIES:Home Page,Webinars END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20201101T010000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR