Date(s) - 07/07/2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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To watch the recorded webinar, click on the recording.Play VideoSpeaker:Dr. Shreyas Sen, Elmore Associate Professor of ECE & BME at Purdue University Abstract:In this talk, we will cover the following topics in EM/Power Side-Channel Attacks and Countermeasures (a) Threats and impacts of physical side-channels (b) In-depth analysis of power side-channel and low-overhead generic power-side channel countermeasure through attenuated signature noise injection (ASNI) using in-line current domain signature attenuation (c) White-box modeling of EM leakage from cryptographic ICs starting from Maxwell’s equations and accelerating electrons and analysis of the impact of metal layers on EM information leakage (d) Generic low-overhead EM side-channel countermeasures (e) Intelligent EM sniffing using automated algorithmic automated detection of highest leakage-point (f) Machine-Leaning Side-channel attack and techniques for cross-device DL-SCA and (g) countermeasures for ML-SCA (h) a summary of open problems and future research directions for side-channel attacks and defenses. We will also briefly discuss about Radiofrequency Physically Unclonable Functions (RF-PUF). Speaker Bio:Shreyas Sen is an Elmore Associate Professor of ECE & BME, Purdue University and received his Ph.D. degree from ECE, Georgia Tech. Dr. Sen has over 5 years of industry research experience in Intel Labs, Qualcomm and Rambus. His current research interests span mixed-signal circuits/systems and electromagnetics for the Internet of Things (IoT), Biomedical, and Security. He has authored/co-authored 3 book chapters, over 175 journal and conference papers and has 15 patents granted/pending. Dr.Sen serves as the Director of the Center for Internet of Bodies( C-IoB). Dr. Sen is the inventor of the Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication(EQS-HBC), or Body as a Wire technology, for which, he is the recipient of the MIT Technology Review top-10 Indian Inventor Worldwide under 35 (MIT TR35 India) Award. His work has been covered by 250+ news releases worldwide, invited appearance on TEDx Indianapolis, Indian National Television CNBC TV18 Young Turks Program, NPR subsidiary Lakeshore Public Radio and the CyberWire podcast. Dr. Sen is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award 2020, AFOSR Young Investigator Award 2016, NSF CISE CRII Award 2017, Intel Outstanding Researcher Award 2020, Google Faculty Research Award 2017, Purdue CoE Early Career Research Award 2021, Intel Labs Quality Award 2012 for industrywide impact on USB-C type, Intel Ph.D. Fellowship 2010, IEEE Microwave Fellowship 2008, GSRC Margarida Jacome Best Research Award 2007, and nine best paper awards including IEEE CICC 2019, 2021 and in IEEE HOST 2017-2020, for four consecutive years. Dr. Sen’s work was chosen as one of the top-10 papers in the Hardware Security field (TopPicks 2019). He serves/has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Solid States Circuits Letters(SSC-L), Frontiers in Electronics, IEEE Design & Test, Executive Committee member of IEEE Central Indiana Section and Technical Program Committee member of DAC, CICC, IMS, DATE, ISLPED, ICCAD, ITC, VLSI Design, among others. Dr. Sen is a Senior Member of IEEE. |

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