We’re excited to announce that the MEST Center has partnered with nanoHUB to offer you a better educational experience! Registration and access to all our courses, webinars, and learning opportunities will be managed on the nanoHUB platform. Instructions are provided below for creating a nanoHUB account and joining the MEST nanoHUB group.
Create your nanoHUB account
Go to the nanoHUB website to create a free nanoHUB account using your government, lab, industry, or educational institution email address
Update your nanoHUB profile

Join the MEST Group!
Find MEST on nanoHUB
After logging in to the nanoHUB website, navigate to the MEST Group
Request your membership
If you are a US Citizen working in a DoD, Government, or Government-affiliated role, you can join the MEST group to view all training content.
To access the MEST Group, you must have a nanoHUB account registered with your organizational email and then request membership here in the MEST Group. Please include answers to all questions in your request to avoid delays in approval. Click on the “Request Membership” button near the upper right corner.
After submitting your request, you will receive an email notification if your request has been approved.
If you have any issues during this process, please email the MEST Coordinator