Objective: This module explores the relationship between various elements present in most optical images of printed circuit boards (PCBs). This includes vias/traces, silkscreen markings, and components, and how the automated detection and correlation of each respective piece aids the overall goal of hardware assurance through optical inspection. Upon completing the course, students will not only learn automated methods of extracting board information, but the relevance of this data when comparing to X-Ray scans for multi-modal assurance.
Target Audience: Government officers, Scientists
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:
- programming knowledge: python
- IC design flow steps
Resources Provided at the Training | Deliverables:
- Detailed description of set-ups used in training
- A video demo of the module
Learning Outcome: This module has demonstrated an overview of common AOI methods, helpful use of multimodal data, some tradeoffs of algorithmic specifications when handling this data, and the effects each experimental portion has on the legible output of information such as text and via locations.