Objective: In this module, trainees will learn how to extract secret keys from AES using profiling and non-profiling side channel attacks with power modality. Trainees will be provided with two types of SPICE netlists (i) power traces from unprotected AES; (ii) power traces from more secure AES, and (iii) scripts of DPA and CPA attacks. Trainees will use the provided scripts on these netlists to compare the performance of non-profiling attacks before and after synchronization. A machine learning classifier will be trained and used to recover the key.
Target Audience: Government officers, Scientists
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:
- programming knowledge: Verilog HDL
- Xilinx Vivado softwares
- basic knowledge of AES cipher
Resources Provided at the Training | Deliverables:
- Detailed description of set-ups used in training
- A video demo of the module
- Verilog, python scripts examples for analysis
Learning Outcome: By the end of this course and experiment, trainees will learn how to extract secret keys from AES using profiling and non-profiling side channel attacks with power modality.